Christmas: Catalunya-England

Today I will talk about the differences between England and Catalunya.

Christmas in Catalunya is 5 days of celebration and in England only 2 days.
The first day of celebration is the 24th. This day, we meet at night and we have a special dinner. In my house, we eat chicken, beef, pork and fish, because every one of my aunts and my mother prepare a different dish and my cousin prepares fish because he is a vegetaria

At the end of the dinner the children go to sing Christmas songs in a room and the adults take the presents and put them below the “tio”. The “tio” iss a branch of a tree and we take this and feed him for 10 days before the 24th. After, we go to bed because at night Father Christmas cames to our home!

The 25th in morning, the English and the Catalans have presents below the Christmas Tree. At lunchtime both have a special meal with turkey and sweet dessert.
But with one difference, in Catalunya the family meet on the 26th lunch time for eat the left overs from Christmas Day.
In England Christmas has fin
ished this day, but in Catalunya we have more parties. In catalunya the 26th is called Saint Stephens and in England it’s called “Boxing day”.
The 5th of January, the children go to see the three kings arrive and they go to bed early because in the night the kings will leave more presents at home. In England they do not celebrate The kings. Another happens different in England is the Nativity Scene. In England they have a little nativity scene, but here we have a big nativity scene with a poo man. The poo man doesn’t exist in England, ant the live nativity scene also does not happen in England.

I prefer Christmas in Catalunya because we have more party days and more presents than in Englans, but for the parents, they prefere England because they don’t have to buy so many presents.

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